miércoles, febrero 09, 2011

Nuevos Sony Ericsson XPERIA con capacidad ANT+

Sony Ericsson trabajando duro por entrar de nuevo al ruedo:

3 comentarios:

Evan Downey dijo...

Totally agree.

Who in their marketing department said, "0.01% of our consumers are screaming for the ability to attach a heart monitor to their phone while they race in the Tour de France! Forget multi-touch, battery life, and all that stuff - get me a pulse-ox app ASAP!"

Manuel Garcia dijo...

Yup, Sony Ericsson has some weird ideas from time to time. For instance, I liked the new XPERIA PLAY, the first PlayStation "certified" mobile... but look at the ad they used:


I see nice details like: piracy, illegal Asian factories, organ traffic, etc... all for the advertisement of a hi-tech product? hmmm... I don't think so.


There's something that few know, and ANT+ chip comes in NOKIA N8 and there're few interesting health app for everyone...